Lava has launched its latest Z Series smartphone in India called LAVA Z91. It comes fingerprint sensor at the back and supports face unlock as well.
The handset is 7.7 mm thick, houses Dual SIM slots and supports 4G in India. It has smooth glass finish at the back. It runs on Android 7.0 Nougat based Star OS 4.2. It is powered by 3000 mAh battery.
The LAVA Z91 specs include 5.7-inch Full View display with HD+ resolution and 18:9 aspect ratio. It has a quad-core SoC, 3GB RAM and 32GB internal memory (expandable).
Lava Z91 Specifications
- Dimensions: 152.02 x 72.9 x 7.7 mm / Weight: 147 grams
- Android 7.0 Nougat with Star OS 4.2
- Dual SIM Slots (4G + 4G) (only one SIM can use 4G at a time)
- Fingerprint Sensor, Facial recognition
- 5.7-inch Full View display with 1440 x 720 pixels HD+ resolution, 18:9 aspect ratio, 282ppi pixel density, supports multi-touch
- 1.3GHz quad-core processor
- 32GB internal storage, expandable up to 128GB using MicroSD card
- 8MP front camera with Spotlight flash, F/2.0 Aperture
- 13MP rear camera with Spotlight Flash, F/2.0 Aperture, Auto Focus, 1080p video recording
- 3000 mAh battery with super power saving mode
- 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Hotspot, Bluetooth V4.0, MicroUSB V2.0, FM Radio, 3.5mm Audio Jack
- Proximity, G-Sensor, Ambient Light sensors
The Lava Z91 is priced in India at Rs. 9999 and comes with a 2-year warranty and one-time free screen replacement offer.