Xiaomi has just unveiled its latest laptop called Mi NoteBook Pro. It is also world’s first to feature Intel’s 8th Generation Core processor. It has 4 cores / 8 threads and offers 40% improved performance over 7th Generations.
The laptop comes in options of 8th Gen Intel Core i5 8250U (3.4GHz) or Intel Core i7 8550U (4GHz). It runs on Windows 10 OS out of the box and sports a 1MP HD webcam and digital array microphone.
The Mi Notebook Pro allows professional-grade graphics tuning and sports a dedicated NVIDIA GeForce MX150 Graphics card. It also supports 8GB / 16GB DDR4 (2400MHz) dual-channel memory and high-speed SSDs (250GB PCIe + 4 NvME). It also allows further SSD expansion slot as well.
Xiaomi has added new layout of the super cooling system so that notebook remains cool even with extensive use. This symmetrical cooling system design allows double inbound and outboud airflow (increased by 40%). It has Magnesium alloy frame that doubles rigidity.
It has Dark Gray minimalist design and weighs about 1.96kg. The laptop measures 360.7 x 243.6 x 15.9 mm. It has an integrated fingerprint sensor on the touch pad that supports Windows Hello bio-metric security authentication.
It’s 15.6-inch screen offers 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution, 300 nits brightness, 800:1 contrast ratio and 72% NTSC color gamut. The screen has 170-degree wide viewing angles as well. It has Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection as well for added durability.
The Mi Notebook Pro features in full size backlit keyboard that allows one to use it even in low lights. It has 19% larger keyboard area (when compared to MacBook Pro) for increased comfort. It has custom designed character and navigation keys.
It has 60Wh battery that offers ultra-long battery life. It has 3-in-1 SD slot, 2-antenna AC Wi-Fi 802.11ac 2×2 (dual band 2.4/5GHz) and full function USB-C port as well. For optimum audio, It has dual 2.5W Harman Infinity custom built speakers and supports Dolby Atmos.
The Xiaomi Mi Notebook Price starts at RMB 5699 (US$ 875 / Rs. 55,880) for Core i5 / 8GB RAM, RMB 6399 (US$ 982 / Rs. 62,750) for Core i7 / 8GB RAM and RMB 6999 (US$ 1075 / Rs. 68,650) for Core i7 / 16GB RAM variant.
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