Indian company Micromax has launched its latest smartphone in India called Bharat 5 Pro. It is budget phone powered by Android 7.1 Nougat OS.
It has Dual SIM slots and supports 4G VoLTE in India. It has 5.2-inch Display with 1280 x 720 pixels HD resolution. It has 1.3GHz quad-core processor, 3GB RAM and 32GB internal memory which is further expandable using MicroSD card.
The Micromax Barat 5 Pro specs include 5MP front facing camera with LED. There is a 13MP primary shooter with LED Flash at the back with Auto Focus capabilities. The hardware is powered by 5000 mAh battery.
The handset sports a fingerprint sensor at the back. It also support face unlock, which is nifty for a budget mobile. Usual connectivity options like Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Hotspot, Bluetooth V4.0, MicroUSB V2.0, GPS, FM Radio and 3.5mm Audio Jack are present.
The Micromax Bharat 5 Pro is priced in India at Rs. 7999 and comes in Black color.
Shubhodip Pal, Chief Marketing and Chief Commercial Officer, Micromax Informatics said:
We at Micromax have always been at the forefront of coming up with phones with extensive battery life and compelling product features, not too long ago we were the first to give our consumers a 30 days battery phone. Our new addition to the successful Bharat range- the Bharat 5 Pro Plus will surely offer a complete package to the consumers at a very affordable price. We are very confident that the new phones will help us move towards our Digital India dream and reignite the smartphone market in the sub 10K category.
compelling features like the super-fast Auto Face Unlock another feature found only in high end smartphones is part of the Security package with the new Bharat Pro 5 along with other standard security features which includes a finger print sensor as well”