Realme has officially launched its latest earbuds in India called Realme Buds Air 2. It comes with IPX5 water resistant rating.
The Realme Buds Air 2 comes with charging case with measurements of 60.3 x 57 x 24 mm and weighs total of 34.5 grams (4.1 grams single earbud). It has smart wear detection, intelligent touch controls and support for voice assistants.
The earphones sport a dual-tone design with soft and skin friendly silicone ear-tips (S/M/L). It uses Bluetooth V5.2 (with AAC codec) for seamless connectivity smartphones and offers effective range of 10 meters.
The Realme Buds Air 2 feature in 10mm diamond-like Carbon driver unit and houses an upgraded R2 intelligent noise cancellation chip for optimum performance. The Hi-Fi Driver comes with Bass Boost and Bass Enhancement solution to enhance audio.
The Realme Buds Air2 offers Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) up to 25dB. The earbuds have dual microphones for superior sound pickup. It has Environmental noise cancellation algorithm which reduces surrounding noise. There is 88ms super low latency gaming mode as well.
The earbuds themselves offer 4 / 5 hours of playback (at 50% volume, AAC quality, Noise cancellation on/off). The charging case + earbuds gives a total of 22.5 / 25 hours of playback (at 50% volume, AAC quality and Noise cancellation on/off).
The Realme Buds Air 2 price is Rs. 3299 and has Closer Black and Closer White colour options. It will sell at Flipkart, and offline stores starting March 2nd.