Samsung has launched its latest laptop in its domestic market called the ‘FLASH’. It has simplistic yet eye catchy design and reminiscent to a retro typewriter.
The Samsung Notebook Flash features in Intel’s latest multi-gigabit 802.11ac 2X2 Gigabit Wireless LAN card which supports high speeds up to 1.7 Gigabytes per second. Its NT531XBB-K01BB model specially customized for KT Corp carrier for optimum user experiences.
The notebook also comes with several security features. It has finger print recognition (on keyboard) and comes with Windows Hello. Additionally, it also comes with Samsung’s secret folder which protects the files and keep confidential data safe.
The Samsung Flash packs in 13.3-inch Full HD LED display and comes with Windows 10 OS. The lapto supports Universal Flash Storage cards, which are 5X faster than traditional MicroSD cards.
The new FLASH laptop price is 820,000 Won (US$ 715 / Rs. 52,360 approx.) and comes in White, Coral and Charcoal colors.
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