Sony Electronics has announced its ‘Z Series’ next generation 4K HDR Ultra HD TV display technology. It comes in 65-Inch (XBR65Z9D), 75-Inch (XBR75Z9D) and 100-Inch (XBR100Z9D) sizes. They are successor to Sony’s current X Series line-up.
The Z Series TV’s have produces deeper blacks, brighter lights and real world vibrant colours. It has Backlight Master Drive Technology (seen in a prototype at CES 2016). It expands brightness and contrasts and brings out full combined potential of 4K HDR. These TV’s have dense LED structure and uses super accurate lighting algorithm, discrete lighting control and unique optical design with calibrated beam LED.
The Z Series 4K HDR Ultra HD TV’s discrete LED control feature Backlight Master Driver to dim and boost each LED individually. Its unique optical structure and calibrated beam LED design gathers the emitted LED light in a sport and focuses the drive area for higher contrast, thus reducing light diffusion and flare effect.
Moreover, the Z Series TV features a newly developed 4K image processor, also known as the 4K HDR Processor X1 Extreme. It provides ultimate 4K HDR visual experience. It gives 40% more real-time image processing power when compared to its predecessor (4K processor X1). It incorporates three new technologies including object-based HDR remaster, dual database processing and Super Bit Mapping 4K HDR.
The object based HDR remaster can reproduce scenes with detailed textures close to reality. It can also scale HD content to near 4K HDR quality. The 4K HDR processor has up-scalling database specifically for noise reduction. It rums unwanted noise by searching through thousands of picture patterns in these unique databases, analysing each pixel individually in real time.
The Super Bit Mapping 4K HDR is a 14-bit powerful signal processing that breaks solid bands of colors of 8-bit (FHD) or 10-bit (4K) source, up-converting 14-bit equivalent gradation with 64 times more color levels.
The Z Series TV sports a slate design, with front being a a simple black slate. The cables are completely concealed at the back, ensuring that the device strikes an elegant look at any angles. The TV runs on Android TV with Sony’s exclusive UI. It coms with Google Play, allowing users to watch hit shows, movies, photos, music, games, search apps etc. It also supports Google Cast, allowing users to cast their favorite entertainment apps from their Android or iOS devices, Mac / Windows PC or Chromebook.
The Sony Z Series of Ultimate 4K HDR Ultra HD TV are up for pre-order and will soon go on sale at Amazon, and other authorised retailers.
- XBR65Z9D, 65″ class (64.5″ diagonal), $6,999 MSRP, available summer 2016
- XBR75Z9D, 75″ class (74.5″ diagonal), $9,999 MSRP, available summer 2016
- XBR100Z9D, 100″ class (99.5″ diagonal), pricing and availability details will be announced later this year
Mike Fasulo, President and COO of Sony Electronics said –
The Z series is a generational advance in TV technology, which brings the 4K HDR viewing experience to a whole new level. Our best and brightest HDR Ultra HD television is proof of Sony’s continuing commitment to deliver the ultimate home entertainment experiences to our customers, With expertise in both the creative and the technical aspects of 4K HDR shooting, editing, recording, transmission and display, Sony understands 4K HDR like no other company. The Z series is a direct result of that unique partnership between our engineering and creative teams.
source – / Sony Electronics