boAt has officially launched its latest TWS earbuds called Airdopes 411 ANC. It is priced at Rs. 1999 and comes in Black storm, Blue Thunder and Grey Hurricane colors. The earbuds is already up for sale at Flipkart.
The boAt Airdopes 411 ANC, as the name suggests, comes with Active Noise Cancellation. It can suppress noise by up to 25dB and at a broader range of frequencies. Its Anti-noise signal cancels out the actual background noise by the time it reaches your ears.
The earbuds have easy-to-use high precision touch-sensitive controls for easy accessibility. With a simple swipe gesture, users can activate Ambient Mode to keep tabs on surroundings. The touch controls can be used to change volume (by sliding your finger up / down) or access voice assistant with tap.
The Airdopes 411 ANC feature indual ENx enabled mics for superior voice quality. These dual microphones when paired with ANC guarantees optimum calling experience. The earphones come with Insta Wake-N-Pair (IWP) technology for instant paring with known devices.
It has IPX4 rating that ensures your safety of earbuds. It includes 10nmm drivers that deliver boAt Signature sound. Additionally, the Airdopes 411 ANC uses Bluetooth V5.2 for connectivity with smartphones, tablets and other compatible devices.
The boAt 411 ANC promises up to 4.5 hours of battery life with ANC enabled. With casing, one can expect 17.5 hours of non-stop usage with ANC. Without ANC, it offers up to 22 hours. The TWS earbuds support boAt ASAP charging which gives 60 minutes of use with just 10 minues of charging.