boAt has officially unveiled its first AMOLED smartwatch in India called boAt Matrix. It is next-generation wearable with premium design and is first from boAt to offer Always on High-Definition AMOLED screen.
It comes with 3ATM Water, dust and sweat resistant rating. The Matrix uses Bluetooth connectivity to connect with smartphones. It shows time, notifications of calls / messages / social updates and allows easy access to camera and music control.
The smartwatch comes with 1.6-inch 2.5D Glass curved AMOLED display that provides enhanced clarity, crisp image quality and vivid colors (even under bright sun). Company is offering more than 100 personalized cloud watch faces to suit your needs.
The battery inside boAt Matrix is rated to deliver up to 7 days of usage. However, with alway-on display mode, usage time is reduced to about 2 days.
The smartwatch has range of sensors like Step counter, SpO2 Blood Oxygen Monitor, Heart Rate Monitor and Sleep tracker. It syncs with boAt Crest App (available for both iOS and Android) to provide detailed data and analytics of your health and fitness.
The boAt Crest App helps you personalize health ecosystem and allows you to set your own goals or make customized plans based on BMI and current activity levels. It has support for Fitness Buddies that allow you to build a crew of family and friends and share your fitness journey. The Wellness Crew Guardians can help keep track of your near and dear ones vitals even when they are away.
The boAt smartwatch Matrix comes with smart activity tracker that records daily calories burnt, steps taken and distance covered. It has 11 active sports modes like Running, Walking, Climbing, Spinning, Cycling, Elliptical, Rowing machine, Yoga, Basketball, Rope skipping, and a free training.
boAt Matrix Price and Availability
The Matrix smartwatch is priced at INR 3999 and comes in Ocean Blue, Pitch Black and Twilight Grey colors. It will go on sale online at today (January 19th, 12:00PM).
2022 is going to be a massive year for us as we look forward to introducing several firsts from boAt. boAt Matrix is our first AMOLED featuring smartwatch with an Always-on display. It is our most premium smartwatch to date and we can’t wait to see our boAtheads flaunt it.
Aman Gupta, Co-Founder and CMO, Imagine Marketing Pvt. Ltd