boAth has launched its latest flagship smartwatch in India called Storm Pro Call. It is company’s new Bluetooth Calling smartwatch boasting biggest display yet.
The boAt Storm Pro Call smartwatch boasts a premium design with sutnning looks. It has a large 1.78-inch 2.5D Curved AMOLED display offering 60Hz refresh rate that ensures smoother transitions and unmatched precision when scrolling through menus.
It is an Always-on display which is fast and responsive. It is bright enough to be viewed during outdoors. It offers crisp high-resolution resolution and allows further customization to watch with more than 100+ cloud faces.
The wearable comes with a built-in speaker and microphone. It uses Bluetooth V5.0 for connectivity with compatible smartphones and supports Bluetooth calling straight from your wrist. Additionally, Storm Pro can save up to 10 contacts, which are accessible with a touch of a button.
The boAt Storm Pro Call has more than 700+ active modes including trength and Training, Dance – Ballet, Aerobics, Home Activities, Laughing, lazing around (Binge watching/ resting), Playing music – Piano, Guitar, Walking, Makeup Activity, Running, Sports like – Boxing, Ultimate Frisbee, Judo, Skateboarding, Rope Jumping, Squash, Javelin, Skating and a lot more. Further on, track your fitness, reach your goals, and make fitness fun with the boAt Crest Gamification App.
It has 24×7 heart rate tracker, SpO2 monitor and sleep monitoring support. Additionally, it can track steps taken, high intensity workouts, activity levels and provide detailed analytics.
The wearable sports an IP68 dust and water resistant rating. It can easily endure the harshest of conditions and worst weathers. It provides smart notifications, weather updates, alerts and cricket scores on your wrist.
The boAt Storm Pro call feature in 230mAh battery and offers up to 7 days of battery life. Its battery is said to fully charge in about 30 minutes.
The Storm Pro Call Bluetooth Calling smartwatch is priced at Rs. 3799 and comes in Charcoal Black, Navy Blue and Scarlet Red colors. It will go on sale in India today at and boAt’s official website.