boAt has unveiled its latest smartwatch in India called boAt Xplorer. It comes with 5ATM water resistant rating (up to 50 meters) and has built-in GPS support.
The boAt Xplorer feature a 1.3-inch 2.5D curved glass color touch screen offering 240 x 240 pixels resolution. Company is also offering several personalized and downloadable watch faces via cloud.
The wearable has 24/7 heart rate tracking support. It also offers 8 active sports mode like Indoor walking, running, cycling, hiking, rower, elliptical machine, rowing, yoga, swimming etc. Et has automatic recognition for walking and running.
The Xplorer uses Bluetooth V4.2 for connectivity with smartphones. Once connected, it can find phone, act as remote for camera or control music. The smartwatch also comes with sleep tracking, menstruation cycle tracking and guided meditation.
Basic functionality like call vibrations, notifications, texts, alarms and reminders are supported. The smartwatch houses 210mAh battery which offers 7 – 10 hours of usage or up to 30 days of standby.
The boAt Xplorer price in India is Rs. 2999 and comes in Grey, Pitch Black and Orange Fusion colors. It will go on sale at Flipkart and company’s official from today.