Honor has officially launched its latest smartwatch in India called Watch GS 3. It is priced at Rs. 12,999 and comes in Midnight Black, Classic Gold and Ocean Blue colors.
The Honor Watch GS 3 will go on sale in India at Amazon.in starting June 7th. For limited period, buyers can avail 10% instant discount with Bank of Baroda and Citi Bank credit / debit cards. There is a 9 month no cost EMI option as well.
HONOR Watch GS 3 specs, features
The smartwatch comes with 5ATM water / dust resistant design. It has built-in microphone and speaker to take voice calls (via Bluetooth) and comes with an easy one click reply function.
The wearable itself measures 45.9 x 45.9 x 10.5mm and weighs 44 grams (without strap). It comes with range of sensors like Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Geomagnetic, Ambient Light and Air pressure sensor.
The HONOR Watch GS3 feature in optical heart rate sensor that uses new eight-channel PPG sensor and AI heart rate engine for 24/7 heart rate tracking. It has SpO2 monitoring as well. It comes with built-in NFC support as well.
The Watch GS 3 boasts a 1.43-inch AMOLED 3D curved display that gives 466 x 466 pixels resolution. It has 32MB RAM and 4GB on-board storage space. It has Bluetooth V5.0 for easy connectivity with smartphones. The wearable is compatible with mobiles running on Android 6.0+ and iOS 9.0+ OS’s.
It offers more than 100 workout modes including 10 professional sports modes. It has sleep tracking as well. The battery inside is rated to offer up to 14 days of typical usage.
It has built-in GPS (L1/L5) + Beidou (B1I/ B2a) + Galileo (E1/E5a) + GLONASS navigation system for tracking routes. With GPS on, one can expect up to 30 hours of usage. Notably, there is fast charging that gives 1 day of use with just 5 mins of charging.