Lenovo has launched a new digital smartwatch in India called EGO (HX07). It has 5ATM rating making it water resistant up to 50 meters.
The smartwatch is equipped with 1.6-inch monochrome anti-reflective display with dedicated night light mode. The device has dimensions of 55 x 48 x 15.8 mm and has weight of 42 grams.
The Lenovo EGO features in real-time heart rate monitoring and allows activity tracking, swim tracking and sleep tracking. It can easy connect with most Android smartphones and iOS devices using Bluetooth V4.0. Once connected, it can show notifications on text messages, emails, phone calls and other social notifications.
The digital smart watch promises about 20 days of battery life and allows magnetic charging. It gives out vibration based alarm and includes a unique Remote camera feature. The feature allows users to easily take photos with a tap on smart watch’s display.
The Lenovo EGO price in India is Rs. 1999 (US$ 29 approx.) and will be unique to flipkart and Croma stores. Selling will start today.