Redmi officially launches its latest smartwatch in India called Redmi Watch 2 Lite. It is priced at Rs. 4999 in India and comes in Ivory, Blue and Black colors.
This Redmi smartwatch will go on sale in India from March 15th and will be available at,, Hi Home Stores, Reliance Digital and other retail partners.
Redmi Watch 2 Lite features and specs
The watch measures 41.2 x 35.3 x 10.7mm and weighs 35 grams including strap. It has 5ATM water resistant rating and sustain in water depths of up to 50 meters.
The Redmi Watch 2 Lite has 1.55-inch LCD display with 360 x 320 pixels resolution. It comes with more than 100 watch faces to suite your needs. The smartwatch uses Bluetooth V5.0 and works with devices running on Android 6.0 or later and iOS 10.0 or later.
It is compatible with Xiaomi Wear and Xiaomi Wear Lite app and works with Strava and Apple Health. The wearable can control music, gives notifications (calls/alarm/idle alerts), weather forecast and supports Find my Phone feature.
The Watch 2 Lite comes with optical heart rate sensor, accelerometer, e-compass, gyroscope and GPS/GLONASS/Beidou/Galileo. It also measures SpO2 (blood oxygen). The smartwatch has 110+ fitness modes which includes 17 professional modes. It allows sleep tracking, stress level tracking, female mensural cycle tracking and deep breathing exercises.
The wearable packs in a 262mAh battery and delivers 10 days of typical usage. Once can expect 5 days of heavy usage and 14 hours with continuous GPS.