India’s Consumer Electronics and Gadgets Accessory brand U&i has launched ‘Safari‘ (UiBS-2052), its latest wireless speaker in India. It has Bluetooth V5.0 with 10 meter range for seamless connectivity with smartphones.
The U&i Safari comes with a in-built 1500mAh battery which gives about 4 hours of play-time. There is a built-in microphone for handing calls. Also included is a TF Card slot and USB charging port.
The speaker comes with True Wireless Connection (TWS) which allows one to connect 2 speakers wirelessly at same time. It delivers amazing stereo sound thanks to its high sensitivity drivers.
The U&i Safari has multiple buttons for power on/ff, Modes, volume rockers and stop / play buttons. It has 10W stereo speaker that gives out distortion free music at exceptional clarity.
The U&i Safari is priced in India at INR 1699 and comes in Black, Blue and Red colors. It can be bought at leading retail stores and e-commerce platforms.
With the launch of Safari Wireless speaker, we are expanding our products range and wants to offer many versatile and stylish products from the stable of U&i that will not only up the style quotient but will also promise an unmatched quality for our young users
Paresh Vij, Founder and Director, U&i