WhatsApp has been rigorously testing its Status feature for a while now. The feature was already available for beta users since November 2016.
Now, WhatsApp has officially announced that it has started rolling the Status update for Android and iOS users. It allows users to share photos and videos with friends in an easy and secure way.
Moreover, the status updates are end-to-end encrypted. It allows users to ad photos, videos and emojis to status messages, which is similar to Snapchat and instagram stories.
WhatsApp status disappears after 24 hours This is a major update to status, coinciding with WhatsApp’s 8th birthday, which is on February 24th.
This new and improved status feature will let you keep your friends who use WhatsApp easily updated in a fun and simple way.
The WhatsApp status update will start rolling out for iOS and Android users from today. The update will be first made available in Netherlands, France with other countries and markets soon to follow.
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