The Realme C55 has been launched in India with a starting price of Rs. 10,999. The smartphone comes with a MediaTek Helio G88 processor, a 6.72-inch IPS LCD display with a 90Hz refresh rate, and a 50MP triple-camera setup at the rear. It also has…
boAt (Imagine Marketing), India’s No.1 audio and wearables has launched its new boAt Rockerz 255 Max wireless neckband earphones in…
Samsung’s Malaysia wing has unveiled its new Galaxy A series smartphone called Galaxy A14 4G. It is offered in Black,…
Wings expands its new TWS Gaming earbuds lineup with the launched of latest PHANTOM 700 earbuds. It comes with Bluetooth…
CAT, a company known for is high-end rugged smartphones has unveiled a new mobile called CAT S75. It is first…
ZTE at its MWC 2023 booth has showcased its new Nubia Pad…
ZTE at its MWC 2023 booth has showcased its new Nubia Pad 3D tablet and its latest NeoVision AR Glasses. Specs ZTE Nubia Pad…
boAt (Imagine Marketing), India’s No.1 audio and wearables has launched its new…
Wings expands its new TWS Gaming earbuds lineup with the launched of…
India’s premier audio brand Wings is proud to announce the launch of…
Infinix latest laptop in India, the INBook Y1 Plus is finally official. Available in Silver, Grey and Blue colors, the…
MediaTek unveiled its Dimensity 9000 SoC back in November. Today, it has announced its latest flagship SoC called MediaTek Dimensity 9000+. The Dimensity 9000+ chipset is…
DIZO has officially launched its latest Watch D2 and Watch D2 Power…
Google first introduced its Android (Go Edition) for entry level budget phones…
The Realme C55 has been launched in India with a starting price…